Updated news on the Gambino, Genovese, Bonanno, Lucchese and Colombo Organized Crime Families of New York City.

Updated news on the Gambino, Genovese, Bonanno, Lucchese and Colombo Organized Crime Families of New York City.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Notorious mobster Vinny Gorgeous takes one way flight to Supermax prison

IT'S bye-bye, Big Apple and hello, Colorado for Vinny Gorgeous.
U.S. marshals put former Bonanno crime boss Vincent Basciano on a one-way flight to the supermaximum security federal prison in Florence on Wednesday.
Basciano, a Bronx-based gangster convicted of two murders and sentenced to two life sentences, will spend the rest of his days with the nation's most dangerous inmates in notorious Cell Block H at Colorado's Supermax prison.
"Tremont Ave. in the Bronx is a long way from Florence, Colo.," defense lawyer Richard Jasper acknowledged during the mobster's recent death penalty trial in Brooklyn Federal Court.
To be exact: 1,664 miles.
The U.S. Bureau of Prisons' website still listed that Basciano was in the terrorist wing of the Metropolitan Correctional Center in lower Manhattan yesterday, but multiple sources said the move had taken place.
Basciano, 51, has been jailed under conditions usually reserved for terrorists since the feds learned five years ago he wrote out a hit list with the name of a federal judge, prosecutor and cooperating witnesses on it.
A jury spared Basciano from death by lethal injection largely because they believed keeping Basciano in near-total isolation would neutralize whatever threat he posed to the outside world.
Law enforcement officials still believe Basciano is trying to pass messages from prison to Bonanno crime family members.
Federal prosecutors are poised to go after whatever assets of Basicano's they can find in order to satisfy a $5.4 million forfeiture judgment against him from a prison, according to court papers.


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