Updated news on the Gambino, Genovese, Bonanno, Lucchese and Colombo Organized Crime Families of New York City.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Vinny Gorgeous wanted top prosecutor dead for humiliating his wife mob rat Joseph Massino says

Former Bonnano crime boss Joseph Massino said Wednesday a top prosecutor was marked for death because he had disrespected gangsters and their wives.
Massino said then-acting boss Vincent "Vinny Gorgeous" Basciano wanted permission in 2004 to kill Assistant U.S. Attorney Greg Andres as payback for giving Basciano's wife a subpoena.
"He said, 'Let me kill this guy when he comes out of ... Campagnola,'" an upper East Side restaurant, Massino said of their brief conversation in the Brooklyn Federal Court holding pen.
"He was mad."
Massino responded that he would think about it and promptly reported the threat to the feds.
The jury that convicted Basciano last week of ordering the murder of associate Randolph Pizzolo will consider evidence of the plot in deciding whether Basciano gets the death penalty or life in prison.
Before Basciano was arrested in November 2004, he was under the impression that Massino had sent him a message from jail to kill the prosecutor at the upper East Side eatery, another turncoat testified Tuesday.
Massino said he never sent any such message, but he recalled that he had trashed Andres at a meeting with co-defendants for subjecting Massino's wife to embarrassing testimony about his mistress at the racketeer's trial.
Prosecutors had promised to give defense lawyers a heads-up when the testimony was coming so that Josephine Massino could leave the courtroom, he said, but the feds reneged on the deal.
"I said what [Andres] did was a cheap shot," Joseph Massino said.
Two mob lawyers at the meeting - David Breitbart and Murray Richman - mentioned that Andres frequented Campagnola, Massino said.
A private investigator who was present repeated the conversation to Basciano, who interpreted it as a coded message to whack the fed.
Later, wearing a hidden wire, Massino tried to discuss the plot with Basciano in jail, but Basciano didn't take the bait.


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